Tuesday, December 25

Happy end of year holidays!!!

Merry Christmas Everyone! Hope you're enjoying your end of year holidays!

I love the Holiday season!

Love decorating, Christmas music, the mood, the lights in the streets, being together with my family... Just great moments together, next to the fire, in front of the TV, listening to Christmas song and singing or simply sharing hot drinks...it's all about sharing the love and I am sharing!
Love you guys, thank you for reading my blog! Probably 3 people will bother to visit and read but that's a lot! So hope you like the pictures and that you are enjoying this time of the year!
Some people don't celebrate but I hope that they will catch on and follow the contagious good mood!!!

I baked this monster desert yesterday and it was AMAZINGLY sweet, juicy and crispy!
Made everything from the waffle to the cream, the chocolate flakes and the wild fruits couli!
So proud! 

Did you notice the intruder? So random...

Spent quite a lot of time decorating this year, what do you think?

I know I am really fortunate to get to spend the holidays with my family and I am really thankful for this.
Sending you Love & Chocolate from France!